Morning PT
0645 PT with the marines to start the week. Although I’m not sure running through the thick smog while being chased by stray dogs are my cup of tea. But I wouldn’t change a thing.
Skopje Ice Rink
The one and only ice rink in town. And for whatever reason, no one knows about this rink. And those who know (mostly middle school/high school kids) love to smoke while skating.
First HH since…2015?
I don’t exactly recall when I last had an office HH. But tonight was the night - 3 mins drive from the embassy. The pub was fantastic with great food and drinks.
private property
It’s been a super busy week at work. A few threats, cables, and a bunch of meetings later, I’m ready to lift heavy again.
Anyway, here are some night pictures of our neighborhood.
Indoor smoking
It’s becoming apparent that indoor dining means dining with those who smoke…indoors. We need to start looking for dining options that ban indoor smoking.